Thinking about thinking, learning, and sculpting the tools that sculpt us. Passionate about collective cognition, tools for thought, and machine learning. Currently exploring social cognition, behavior, and connection at the Social Learning & Choice Lab and the Social Connection Lab at USC.
Various Projects
CoReifyExperimental whiteboarding tool affording retrospective replay tools intended to support collaborative sensemaking.
togatherImagining a thoughtful alternative to the corporate video conference for casual virtual gatherings, applying insights from HCI and social psychology.
raudioProof of concept of a minimalist music streaming interface minimizing visual bias for fairer curation.
livemindResearch prototype imagining an ephemeral and highly limited digital whiteboard.
umbrarumIntegrated notes and language tools for more efficiently studying Latin and Greek.
RAW Tools Suite
A collection of interfaces & interface modifications inspired by the idea of isolating listening from visual biases.
MVMENT MagazineBy-students, for-students multimedia publication working to promote voices on issues of sexual/gender inequity and violence.
QuiesciArchived setlists from the electronic music radio show I hosted in high school.
verum visuApplying modular design to the process of audio visualization to allow for fully customizable, rich visualizations that can utilize any number of programming languages and programs.
jczimm.comPrevious iteration of my personal website.